Let's discuss something about the 'man' himself who single handedly swayed masses in his favour sans his forceful speeches and his undaunting religious fervour.After the death of damdami taksal head he was appointed the taksal head at the age of 30 years only.He was the youngest head of damdami taksal,,the prestigious institution started by guru gobind singh himself.He did not study much but had the qualities of a leader instilled in him from the birth itself,,,,for whatever maybe opinion against him........that he was too radical etc,his courage,determination and valour were never questioned.
After the emergency,people, tired of indra gandhi's excesses voted janta dal to power in delhi and akali dal formed the government in punjab.Gandhi,sensing bhindranwale's clout among the rural folk and his not so pleasant relations with akalis,started supporting him(pre 1982-83).There are various examples of tacit support that congress gave bhindranwale
1)rajiv gandhi personally met him at cremation of bhai fauja singh(of akhand kirtani jatha)
2)Even after death of lala jagat narain,when everyone knew that he was the one responsible,nothing was done at all.In fact he stayed at circuit house for some days and giani zial singh made a statement in parliament that punjab situation was under control,which clearly was not.
Government(congress) had hoped to use bhindranwale as a tool to neutralise akalis in punjab.The plan may have worked except that bhindranwale started issuing more and more religious statements than doing any political bidding for congress.Akalis were clever to acknowledge his rising popularity and thus started supporting him in his religious endeveours.This lead to whole mixup and suddenly bhindranwale seemed to be bobbing towards akalis for the comman goodwill of sikhs.So indira gandhi had created a monster which she herself failed to control and this ultimately led to her demise.****cont***
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