Monday, October 25, 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010


By the time i write this most of the people,courtesy news channels already know about the so called 'history' of the disputed site and everyone knows the verdict delivered by the allahabad high court.Now from my limited experience of talking to people regarding this i have found almost all the hindus jovial and terming the verdict as a 'judicial recognition' of their age old claim.Muslims on the other hand,mostly what i heard on television are summarily disappointed with this judgement and some of them say thy have lost faith in jamuriyat(democracy) itself.
These sentiments apart lets discuss what this judgement actually means and what implications it would achieve.Before that let me clarify,as was done by all the three judges(even su khan) that1) ayodhya was the birth place of lord ram and it was a place of worship used by hindus for thousands of years.
2)that a mosque never existed before 1528 when it was ordered to be build by babar on the disputed site.Now according to the SU KHAN the mosque was built on the 'ruins' of a temple,but the other two justices ruled that babar demolished the mandir to pave way for the construction of mosque.
3)No party,niether hindus,muslims or the nirmohi akhaara could produce the title of land in their a result if we go strictly by legal basis all three have no claim on the land.

But this is not a simple legal matter.It is a matter that has the potential to snowball into a major issue overnight so the judges had to tread very carefully,had to pacify everyone.There is no doubt that this is not a purely legal verdict,its a verdict aimed at reconcilliation,aimed at communal harmony.......and a very decent step for moving forward.Imagine had the court ruled against hindus????Irrespective of what u say.riots were surely on line and had it gone totally against muslims???They would have got one more chance to hit out at indian democracy,so the middle path comes into existence.Personally i feel this is the best judgement judges could have given and should be implemented in letter and spirit.But both the aggrieved parties have already decided to approach the apex court so all this was actually a waste.

On the question of right or wrong,as a person who does not belong to either of these faiths i just want to raise two points that should be considered-
1)Lord rama was born here and he needs no approval from the court so for people to ask proof of his existence is silly,just foolish.Numerous holy books,upanishads,puraans have laid to rest this question.Babar came and must have destroyed the temple at that time.It was the standard practice of all the muslim rulers who invaded india to demolish temples,loot their gold and if possible build mosques in their place to propogate islam,nothing wrong considering the old times and ignorant people.Don't we remember mohammad ghauri and ghazni and the great marauder ahmad shah abdali who demolished golden temple in amritsar and filled the sanctum sanctorum(holy pond) with blood.But those were old times,times of anarchy and uncertainty.
2)The second thing is destruction of mosque itself on 6 th december 1992.How much may i know that what babar did was wrong i cannot support this barbaric act of destroying a mosque in full public view under the watchful eyes of bjp.Yes they scored brownie points with voters after that and became a national party overnight starting off as a 'crumbling' regional party having no forseeable future.That needs to be condemned and this particular verdict dosen't absolve advani and others of the crimes they have committed,no way,lest u may hear a similar noise one day people claiming that even that mosque was built on a mandir as we know many would have been(times have changed).This can't go on.Okay,whatever happened in 1992 should be dismissed in strongest possible words and acts like these should never be allowed to polarize our people again

And as a last message i would like to appeal to all communities to accept this verdict as this is the only chance to make way for unity of this country.All the three judges(except justice sharma.......who favoured the hindus completely)......have been extremely cautious and calculating in delivering this verdict and i give them a big thums up.        JAI HIND